Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And Now for Something Completely Different...

This blog was originally about wristbands: Their expressive qualities and how they relate to a persons personality and an onlookers ability to gauge a person by what is placed around their wrist.

But the content of this blog is switching to something deeper:

Questions define our existence. They give us the burning desire to know more; they give base to our knowledge of things as expansive as the universe, or something as simple as our understanding of families.
Yes, an answer defines these same things; but only for a certain period. See, as an individuals knowledge of matters evolve, so do their understandings and ponderings of those matters that are intertwined with their preconceived understandings. Their knowledge and inteligence is ever evolving, much like their questions; but an answer is inert, and unable to roll with the punches of an evolving consciousness. One doesn't live their life believing their parents answer that, 'babies are being delivered by an avian animal' their entire lives; no, they dispose of that answer once they mature and take in more information.

There's an image at the end of that link that does a really good job of explaining the concept behind this new change; not to mention how deep the comic is.

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