Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Some pictures for class


Monday, August 27, 2012

The beginning.

Hello human,

Ever wear a wrist band before?
Have you?
Was it cool?
What was on that wrist band? Maybe a favorite music artist/group, a favorite movie quote, an artistic pattern, or maybe something you stand by in your beliefs?
Have you ever been able to discern what a person was like just by looking at what their wristbands said?
Wristbands are a great way to read-into what somebody else is like. Life on your wrist; it gives way to what interests someone may have, or what they stand for. It can be silly, or philosophical; but the fact remains that you will learn about someone by reading their wrists.

I love wristbands; they're cute and fun to wear. I made this blog, not only for class, but so I could share my love of wristbands with everyone else! So sit back, hold tight, and enjoy the rubber circlets  that you wear on your wrists!

That's me :)